Allison Perlis is a multi-disciplinary designer with a passion for creating experiences that are intuitive for users and achievable for development.
Her work in UX, systems design, and social media has been won 6 awards, including a gold American Advertising award for her Arizona State University Graduation filters. Her product designs for ASU’s Sun Devil Rewards app also won first place at the Arizona Interactive Marketing Association awards.
At ASU’s Graphic Information Technology master’s program she studied human factors and data visualization and gained further experience in user testing and research.
When she’s not working, she collects (but rarely implements) cookbooks, watches a lot of movies and gets halfway through craft projects.
She is currently
Listening to: Beyond the Blinds podcast
Reading: Tacky: Love Letters to the Worst Culture We Have to Offer
Watching: Every scammer doc/docu-drama I can find
allisonperlis @
Adobe XD and ASU Unity design, 2021
ASU Unity design system walk-through, 2020
ASU video design standards, 2019
2020 American Advertising Award - Bronze, Social media - single execution (Star birth)
2020 Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) District VII - Silver, Social media (Outstanding grads)
2018 CASE Circle of Excellence Awards Program - Bronze (Sun Devil Rewards app)
2018 CASE District VII Award of Excellence - Silver, Innovative use of Technology (Sun Devil Rewards app)
2017 Arizona Interactive Marketing Association Award - First Place, ASU (Sun Devil Rewards app)